Powerful donation platform, for free

Accept donations into the most powerful nonprofit platform on the market. Simplify the donation process, and convert more donors at no cost to your organization.

Happier fundraising for you and your donors!

Convert more recurring donations, and increase your donor retention with Devote. Your organization can save both you and your donors thousands of dollars each year.

Use the calculator below to see how Devote compares to the competition

Fundraise with Devote for free!

Unlike other fundraising and donation platforms, Devote does not charge any platform fees at any point during the fundraising process. Fundraise, deposit donations, and make purchases all in one platform, completely free!

Create your account

Create your fundraising account and customize your donation with an intuitive builder within Devote. Get set up to accept donations in just 15 minutes.

Embed with a click

Devote is built to be embedded directly on your organization’s website. Reduce friction for your donors by eliminating unnecessary clicks or links to other websites.

Accept donations directly into Devote

More powerful than any other product in the market. Have access to donated funds instantly with the free Devote corporate card and expense management software.

Automated donor receipts

Make tracking donations for tax purposes easier than ever before. Spend less time creating donor receipts, and let Devote create, send and store it for you automatically.

Convert up to 21% more donors with an embedded widget

* this statistic comes from M+R benchmarks and Devote data to find the percentage

Designed for

International Aid and Development Organizations

Education and Scholarships Organizations

Disaster Response and Recovery Organizations

Human Rights Organizations

Cultural and Arts Organizations

Advocacy and Policy Organizations

Environmental Conservation Organizations

Microfinance and Economic Development Organizations

Sports for Development Organizations

Health and Medical Organizations

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Organizations

Religious and Faith-Based Organizations

And so many more!

Think Devote could be a good fit for your organization?

Frequently asked questions

  • The Devote software is truly free to use, without any confusing contracts or hidden fees. So, how does Devote generate revenue?

    Whenever you make a purchase with a credit card, the merchant pays a fee to Visa and the issuing bank. With Devote, a portion of that fee is shared with us, enabling us to develop and offer this software at no cost to you.

  • Payment processing fees are charged by Stripe & PayPal for transaction processing:

    for credit card transactions, the fee is 2.9% + $0.30;

    Unlike most platforms, there is no fee for ACH/Direct Bank Transfer transactions with Devote. Perfect for your larger donations and sponsorships!

  • We have partnered with Stripe and PayPal to offer the widest selection of modern payment methods available, including Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, ACH, and all major credit/debit cards.

  • Where other platforms in the market fall short, Devote is built to be as efficient for your organization as possible. With the Devote corporate cards, accounts, and expense management, you have access to all your funds instantly. No need to transfer or deposit elsewhere. It has never been easier to have control over all of your donated funds.

Start today for free