What happens when a card is frozen?

When a Devote card is frozen, a temporary hold is placed on the card, restricting any further transactions or usage. This action is typically initiated by the cardholder or the card administrator for various reasons, such as suspected fraud, loss, or as a proactive measure to prevent unauthorized activity.

Once the card is frozen, it cannot be used for purchases, cash withdrawals, or any other type of transaction until it is unfrozen. This ensures that no unauthorized charges can be made while the card is in a compromised state, providing an added layer of security for the cardholder and the organization.

Freezing a Devote card is a straightforward process that can be easily managed through the Devote mobile app or website. The cardholder or administrator can simply select the respective card and opt to freeze it temporarily. This immediate freeze allows for prompt action in response to potential security concerns.

It's important to note that when a card is frozen, any recurring payments or subscriptions linked to the card will also be halted. Consequently, it is advisable to notify any relevant parties, such as vendors or service providers, about the temporary freeze to avoid potential disruptions.

The Devote card can be unfrozen just as easily as it was frozen. The cardholder or administrator can simply select the frozen card and choose to unfreeze it, reactivating the card for use again. This unfreezing action grants the cardholder access to make transactions and payments, resuming the normal functionality of the card.

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